Live The Life You Love, Use The God You Trust, And Don't Take It All Too Seriously


Wedded Bliss

So Chelee has put up with my shit for 10 years as of August 27th.( legally by the power vested in the state of Nevada). 14 years (wow) of liking me total. In a row!!! You should all be sympathetic to this lovely woman. I know I could not live without her. What I'm getting at is Happy Anniversary Chel, I love you.

Long Time....

My goddamned computer has been super clogged with spyware and such, and therefore I have not been able to represent. We just got it cleaned up the other day so now I'm back. Lucky you. There were like 286 things found on this beast! It was slow as shit. That really pisses me off.

So we went to the fair on Tuesday and I saw Styx. They were kick ass. My kids didn't seem to give a flyin' fuck about it. They wanted to go on more rides! They had been there since 2:00pm. One would think they had had enough by 7:30. But O NO! Five songs in, "I'm bored!" I guess when I was that age I would have rather put my life in the hands of cranked out carnies too.

Got a really funny new comedy cd from a kid at work the other day. Dane Cook. Hilarious shit. Makes me cry it's so funny. Not for the youngin's though. Other than that, been in a super jazz mood. Nice combo huh? Jazz and foul mouthed comedy.

I forgot all the other shit I was gonna say so..........fuck bees!


Tacos Reign Supreme!!

I pig friggin' love tacos! They are without a doubt the king of food. Mexican fare in general is good, but the taco stands just a bit taller above the rest. So simple, yet so proud. We had tacos for dinner the other night and they were fabulous! (Nice job Chelee!!)

I would have to say that Chinese and Thai are in a close race for 2nd place. They hold a dear place in my heart. I had Thai veggie fried rice and padh thai for dinner last night and it was also fab. (Nice job Emerald of Siam!!)

I would have to say that my least favorite food would be Indian. Although Chelee loves it, I think it tastes like someone just vomited in my mouth. All of it. She had that for dinner last night and claims it was delicious. I don't believe it. (Nice job New India Palace)

Greek food is also high on my list. Gyros are so wonderful!

We also had flapjacks the other night. They were Henry's choice, and they were tasty! I have to say that I think French toast is possibly the best breakfast food though. I bet Chewie and Hellboy would agree with me. Anyway, you probably don't care about my recent menu so I'll go now.....


I Heart Chewbacca!

Chewbacca is perhaps the best movie sidekick in history. I wish he was my best friend. We could have so much fun hangin' out, eating ice cream, going to the movies, going to the would be AWESOME!! I suppose if I couldn't get Chewie, Hellboy would be pretty good also. Nobody would make fun of you if you were with one of them! If they did, they would be sorry! Plus maybe they would help mow my grass too.

O yeah, by the way, Stephanie and Clint's party was pretty fun. Katie is no Chewie or Hellboy, but she is alright anyway. I find her to be amusing. Perhaps we can all hang out again sometime.


Persieds, Anyone?

Anybody happen to watch the meteor shower last night? It was bitchen'! I watched for about 40 mins. in my back yard from 11:00-11:40. I saw at least 15. Also chel and I drank some vodka beforehand. That never hurts. What's better than shots & shooting stars? A little hanky panky too?.......

Also, we had a midget truck driver come into my work the other day! No foolin'. Actually he was a dwarf, but who wants to split hairs? In my mind I kept calling him "midgie". He turned out to be a really cool guy. Who knew?

I guess the meteors will be going on for a few more nights, so ya still gotta a chance. I'm gonna watch again tonight. Bummer that the peak time is between 1:00 & 2:00am.


Ahhhhh, Bliss!

My gosh, where did this week get away to? It was actually pretty good around here. Work was....well, work. But other stuff was good.

1st of all Chelee and the kids came home. Did this make mr.t happy? You bet! I missed them a bunch. Then after 30 mins. of their arrival I realized how great the silence was. Not that I wanted them to leave again, but you really don't appreciate things until they are changed.

2ndly I got some new stuff. Well not exactly new but close enough. See, my bro-in-law is like 24 and fell into a high paying job right out of college, and makes way too much money so he doesn't seem to appreciate anything as much as you & I would so he gets rid of perfectly good stuff all the time. Now don't think that mr.t is not grateful for the stuff that comes my way. I am, totally. Anyway he gave us this box of cds to dump at goodwill or the library or wherever. So we went through them and picked a few out and, happiness all around. Chel got Steve Miller Bands greatest hits, I got Smashing Pumpkins, and Chloe discovered the fun of "Weird Al". O the joy!! Even that bitch Dawn benifitted from this, as she got a cd too. (don't wanna be my friend, huh...)

And then... I ended the week by getting a super kick ass massage from my wife, the massage therapist. Yes real massage not a "massage". (although I got one of those too;) ). So overall good in everyway. Well blah, blah, blah this is dragging on too long so......


Quote to live by..

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
- Ghandi


The Following Conversation Is Real / Teach Your Children Well

Dateline Thursday Night 8:00 p.m.

Me: Henry get in here and brush your teeth, it's time for bed.

Henry: Hey dad, you drink bitch beer!

Me: histerical laughter

I had been sampling a Smirnoff Twisted drink from work.
Thanks to Chelee for teaching him shit like that.

Home Alone

So Chelee and the kids are off camping with my In-laws and darn it if I didn't get to go. Again. This is an annual event and I can never seem to go. O well, it is a nice relaxing weekend for me to do a bunch of projects without any "help" from certain short family members. Not that I don't appreciate his guidence, but it seems to get finished faster with no distractions. Or answering 400 questions.

I also get to do things I can't when the kids are around, like sleep in til 9:15 this morning! And I can listen to music with profanity and such without headphones. And then it hit me. I'm old and lame. Just look at my current playlist to see how pathetic I am. With the exception of the B-Boys all of those albums are totally from the 80's! My teen years on display. Chelee will tell you how gay all that stuff I like is. I'm surprised I didn't have a Depeche Mode party! (although...)

Anyway, what can ya do? I'll just drink another beer and geek out on my own.