Live The Life You Love, Use The God You Trust, And Don't Take It All Too Seriously


Memorial Weekend Spectacular!

What a kick ass weekend.

Saturday was totally awesome. Sasquatch Festival was an incredible concert.

The Pixies still rock after all these years. They were way cool. Black Francis doesn't quite have the vocal range he used to, but that didn't change the fact that they ROCKED HARD!! They cranked through nearly half of their catalog!

Modest Mouse sounded great, and put on a heck of a show. They played a wide selection from all their albums. Really great band.

Wilco was super cool. They obviously enjoy what they do. They seem to really put their all into performing. I only wish they would have played more from older albums, but I'm not complaining.

Finally, The Arcade Fire. Wow. I don't even know where to begin. These guys are simply amazing! And what a performance. They so rocked and kicked supreme ass, I'm at a loss for words. A band worth checking out.

Jem was also there and she was pretty decent for electronic dance pop. Not too shabby. Then there was Kanye West. I don't want to sound like I'm knocking rap or anything, but this guy stinks! His raps really sucked balls! So only one lousy performer the whole day. Not bad. A great experience overall.


Absolute Power

Tonight at Henry's T-ball game, the coach asked me to fill in for him at next week's game, as he will be on vacation. It must be 'cause I'm the most kick ass dad, who shows up at all the practices and games and helps out and such. I hope it doesn't go to my head, and I try to take over the world because I enjoy my powertrip too much. Probably not, seeing as it will only be for about one hour total. It will feel good to wield absolute power though. Even if it's only over kids.


Holy Rockin' Crap!

The new album from Audioslave came out yesterday, and JesuCristo! is it good! It's better than good, it's downright awesome. No sophmore slump album here. Flat out rocker. Anyway, that's all I've got today.


Sasquatch Festival

So as I mentioned a few posts ago, Chelee and myself are going to a cool concert this coming weekend. It's an all day festival featuring a couple bands we really like. Modest Mouse, Wilco, and the Pixies! Also there is a band called The Arcade Fire who I want to check out, as I saw them on MTV and they seemed pretty cool.

The best part is that I got the tickets for FREE from work! It seems that good things come to those who wait. Remember when I got employee of the quarter last October? Well this is my prize! I had all but given up on it when I found out about this and asked if I could get tickets. The wheels were set into motion and some strings were pulled and, Voila, Cliff(the coolest guy I know *wink wink*) hooked me up through the Coors rep(Coors sponsers the concerts at the Gorge) and we got BOX SUITE V.I.P. tickets!!! Super def ill.

I will give full details after the event. Until next time...

Star Wars Rules!

The final chapter in the Star Wars saga came out, and boy is it awesome. It had everything a guy like me could want in a Star Wars movie. Lightsaber battles out the wazoo! Obi-Wan and Yoda both had some major ass kicking fights. It was sweet. The only thing that sucked was the last ten minutes or so, when GL tried to tie it all togther with the classic trilogy. Some of the dialogue was SO cheesy you'd need a lightsaber to cut through it! I mean it was BAD! This shouldn't detract you from seeing it if you're into it though. It's still pretty damn good. Probably wouldn't take young kids though. Pretty dark and very violent.

What Are The Odds?

So I got called to go in for jury duty again! Can you believe it? I went in exactly two weeks ago, and now again tomorrow. I hope this time is as easy as last time. O well, more free money on my day off. Speaking of which, how long does it take to get my bread from last time? I still haven't recieved my $10 bucks yet. Hmmm....


Sith Happens

Went to Star Wars last night. So incredible. Can barely complete full sentences. Obi-Wan is total Bad-Ass. Also got kick ass concert tickets for Sasquatch Festival from work. Awesome. Will write more when I come down from euphoric state.


What's Going On?

Something seems to be lacuna(thank you Anna)in blog land. Where have all the comments gone? This is weird.

I hope I used lacuna properly...

Piece Of Cake

So I went to my jury summons deal on monday and went through all the hoo-haw and what not, and after 2 hours, they dismissed my group! Kick Ass!! I even made a whopping $12 bucks. I'm rolling in the bread now! Pretty easy $$$, and it was my day off ta'boot! The justice system rocks.


Civic Duty My Ass!

I got called for jury duty this week. I have to show up at 8:00am on monday. I hope it's not too boring sitting around all day. The cool thing is they'll pay me for monday and it's my regular day off work. What a sweet deal! I kinda hope they don't get to me for a few days so I can get out of work. My company pays me the difference for jury duty. Another sweet deal. In the end though, I hope I don't get on an actual jury. Anyway...

I went to a Tri-Cities Fever indoor football game with my father and brother in-laws last night. It was pretty darn fun I have to say. It's only a 50 yard field to start with and there's tons of action. It plays out way faster than regular football. The home team won too. That always makes it better. 64 - 54. High scoring game, what with all the turn around and only 25 seconds between plays. They tell me the games usually have pretty high scores.

Anyway I gotta go for now so.....

Happy Mothers Day to all you moms out there, enjoy your day and make your families pamper you all day!


The Fifth Of May

So today is Cinco de Mayo. Hot damn. It also happens to be 5/5/5. kinda cool. Next year will be even better when we have 6/6/6. I wonder if a lot of fundamentalists will freak out? We should have a Mark Of The Beast party or something.

In other more important news, Henry had his first T-Ball game on Tuesday. It was totally awesome! There's nothing more entertaining than watching a couple dozen or so 5 & 6 year olds try to play an organized sport. What a hoot! Henry really liked getting the snack after the game.

One of the kids on H's team hit a line drive at the pitcher and nailed him square in the nuts! It was really funny. It got even better when the kid yelled to his dad and said "I got hit right here" and pointed to his groin. Pure Gold.


That's Strange

For some reason Henry smells like play-doh today. That's rather odd, seeing as how he hasn't played with it in months.

Also he lost another tooth this weekend! Very cool.