Live The Life You Love, Use The God You Trust, And Don't Take It All Too Seriously


Star Wars Rules!

The final chapter in the Star Wars saga came out, and boy is it awesome. It had everything a guy like me could want in a Star Wars movie. Lightsaber battles out the wazoo! Obi-Wan and Yoda both had some major ass kicking fights. It was sweet. The only thing that sucked was the last ten minutes or so, when GL tried to tie it all togther with the classic trilogy. Some of the dialogue was SO cheesy you'd need a lightsaber to cut through it! I mean it was BAD! This shouldn't detract you from seeing it if you're into it though. It's still pretty damn good. Probably wouldn't take young kids though. Pretty dark and very violent.


Blogger Anna said...

yeah it was bad...but not as bad as the
"you're beautiful"
"one because I am in love"
"no it is because I am in love"
"are you saying love is blind?"

How did this man get this smart beautiful woman pregnant?


Blogger calculon said...

You make a good point there.



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