Live The Life You Love, Use The God You Trust, And Don't Take It All Too Seriously


I Wonder

Do you think a vampire could get addicted to substances through the people he bit? Like if he kept biting smokers would he get hooked on nicotine? Would he be addicted to smoking or smokers? How about booze? Drugs? These are all things that go into the bloodstream, so why not?

Or would a vampire be immune to this, what with him being the "Living Dead" and all.


Blogger Unknown said...

I vote that he/she would be addicted to the person not the substance. So the vampire would be addicted to smokers not cigarettes, drinkers not drinks, etc..


Blogger Katrina Gutleben said...

My vote is both. Kinda like crack babies. Only not as sad. I suppose that if a vampire who was addicted to smokers blood started smoking it would be a significantly better 'high'. Maybe smoker blood would then be a gateway drug to the real thing...

Although smoker blood would seem infinatly better for the vampire than smoking what with it's nutrative value. And the whole not causing lung cancer part...

Can vampires get cancer? Or do they get it and just never die? Because lung cancer that just kept growing and growing without ever killing you would seem to suck more than regular cancer...

Spike smoked on Buffy. Although he didn't need to breathe as I recall hmm not sure how that all works.

Good thing they're freaking MYTHICAL!



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