Farewell, Mr. Duke
As some of you may have heard, author, gonzo journalist, counter-culture icon, and general maniac, Hunter S. Thompson ended his life on Sunday at his home in Colorado. This is a real loss to the world, as we will no longer be able to receive his insane wisdom or acerbic assault on the American political/cultural scene. If you have never read any of his work, I would urge you to. It's great stuff.
He was one of my favorite authors and I for one will miss him.
I still need to read one of his books. Don't we have Fear and Loathing somewhere?
I still think he was assasinated via a government plot...
And you can't convince me otherwise. *wink*
The audio version of "Fear and Loathing" is phenomenal. I can loan it to you if you're interested.
Weird cosmic thing.
I don't know who this guy is. But I was IM-ing a guy I met at Radcon (Keith the Pussy Man, long story) yesterday and he told me of his passing.
Apparently he (pussy man) had gone to Radcon dressed as Mr.Duke on Saturday!
O on some strange lever I feel your loss. Even though really I don't...
The older I get, the more I notice people dying.
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