Live The Life You Love, Use The God You Trust, And Don't Take It All Too Seriously


Farewell, Mr. Duke

As some of you may have heard, author, gonzo journalist, counter-culture icon, and general maniac, Hunter S. Thompson ended his life on Sunday at his home in Colorado. This is a real loss to the world, as we will no longer be able to receive his insane wisdom or acerbic assault on the American political/cultural scene. If you have never read any of his work, I would urge you to. It's great stuff.

He was one of my favorite authors and I for one will miss him.


Blogger Unknown said...

I still need to read one of his books. Don't we have Fear and Loathing somewhere?

I still think he was assasinated via a government plot...
And you can't convince me otherwise. *wink*


Blogger Jennifershmoo said...

The audio version of "Fear and Loathing" is phenomenal. I can loan it to you if you're interested.


Blogger Katrina Gutleben said...

Weird cosmic thing.

I don't know who this guy is. But I was IM-ing a guy I met at Radcon (Keith the Pussy Man, long story) yesterday and he told me of his passing.

Apparently he (pussy man) had gone to Radcon dressed as Mr.Duke on Saturday!

O on some strange lever I feel your loss. Even though really I don't...



Blogger Melonary said...

The older I get, the more I notice people dying.



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