Live The Life You Love, Use The God You Trust, And Don't Take It All Too Seriously



If a mime dies in the forest, and nobody is there to see it, does anyone care?


I Wonder

Do you think a vampire could get addicted to substances through the people he bit? Like if he kept biting smokers would he get hooked on nicotine? Would he be addicted to smoking or smokers? How about booze? Drugs? These are all things that go into the bloodstream, so why not?

Or would a vampire be immune to this, what with him being the "Living Dead" and all.

Never Enough Time

How come my weekends fly by so quickly? Too much stuff to do I guess. We painted our's and the kids' rooms and our hallway! Painting sucks. But it looks soooo much better now. I can't believe we waited so long to do this. Anyhoo....

not much else going on here so.....

23 days left til Star Wars!!! Hooray!!!


Birth, School, Work, Death

Three out of four so far. I'll let ya know if anything changes. I'm SO goddamned lazy. Seriously. I just haven't been in a blogging mood. I keep telling myself that I need to update, like everyday, but then I get home from #3 and I get lazy and make excuses for not doing anything. Sigh. Anyway I'm going to make a point of being better so that you all don't dump me.


From The Mouths Of Babes...

According to Henry:

The guy that gets you when you die is the "Grim Reeker"

"There's no such thing as hobos, you're tricking me dad!"

Chelee's staples on her stomach are "Grossing me out, it looks like Frankenstein"