Long Time....
My goddamned computer has been super clogged with spyware and such, and therefore I have not been able to represent. We just got it cleaned up the other day so now I'm back. Lucky you. There were like 286 things found on this beast! It was slow as shit. That really pisses me off.
So we went to the fair on Tuesday and I saw Styx. They were kick ass. My kids didn't seem to give a flyin' fuck about it. They wanted to go on more rides! They had been there since 2:00pm. One would think they had had enough by 7:30. But O NO! Five songs in, "I'm bored!" I guess when I was that age I would have rather put my life in the hands of cranked out carnies too.
Got a really funny new comedy cd from a kid at work the other day. Dane Cook. Hilarious shit. Makes me cry it's so funny. Not for the youngin's though. Other than that, been in a super jazz mood. Nice combo huh? Jazz and foul mouthed comedy.
I forgot all the other shit I was gonna say so..........fuck bees!
What a potty mouth you are.
Refreshingly Vulgar.
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