Well it seems as if 2004 is gone and the new year is upon us. Because I kind of like making lists and such, I decided to list my top movies and music from the year that was. Now understand that these are only what
I have seen or heard, not of everything that came out.
Let's start with music. In no particular order, here are the BEST albums of 2004:
Green Day 'American Idiot'
Franz Ferdinand 'S/T'
Phish 'Undermind'
Wilco 'A Ghost Is Born'
Pink Martini 'Hang On Little Tomato'
U2 'How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'
Beastie Boys 'To The 5 Boroughs'
Now for the best movies of the year(that I saw):
Napoleon Dynamite
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
The Incredibles
Garden State
Shrek 2
Best Foreign Film:
The Man Of The Year (Brazil)
Best Short Film:
A Ninja Pays Half My Rent
So there you have what I liked, let's hope we have more good stuff like that in 2005! talk to ya later....