Live The Life You Love, Use The God You Trust, And Don't Take It All Too Seriously


Full On Pancake, Robotic Style

I just realized that my blog name doesn't match my code thingy, i.e. geekapotomas rex, that is. So I think I am gonna change it. I will do it next week so as to let anyone who cares have time to change it in their links. So if you go lookin' and can't find me, go look at robotic pancake.blogspot or something. I hope I don't fuck it up or anything. I'll do it next Monday, o.k.? You've been warned. O yeah, mr.t is no more. It's calculon from now on.

Christmas Time Is Here...

We just got done putting our Christmas stuff up. It's not even Dec. 1 yet! I came home from work and was deluged with requests to put everything up. Of course they had already gotten it all up from the basement, so how could I say no? It was fun, even though Henry was so excited that he had a hard time listening. What can you do, he's 6 and it's freakin' Christmas man!!


The Joy Of Winter

What is this happiness about the coldest season, you ask? Winter beers, that's what! They are all here now and I'm in heaven. I LOVE winter beer. Deschutes Jubelale, in particular. Pyramid Snow Cap, Bridgeport Ebenezer, Full Sail Wassail, and Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale are all excellent too. There might be a few others but I can't concentrate right now 'cuz I'm drinkin' a Jubel! MMMMMM, delectable. It's on sale at Fred Meyer for $5.99 a sixer and Chel bought me a couple because she loves me so! So go enjoy some festive beers and sit back for a long, yummy winter!!!


Ahhhh, yes.

Your Fortune Is

Exotic dancer get appluase, call girl just get clap.

Your Fortune Is

Man who walk through airport door sideways is going to Bangkok.

Your Fortune Is

Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.


Just Checking In

Not much to talk about, just thought I'd stop by & say hi. Had a great Halloween at M'Ellen & Pat's house. Work's been alright. I'm still alive. People have been born and people have died. Whole life cycle stuff. Been in a big metal music mode lately. Not sure why. Maybe it's the cold. Makes for good headbanging. That's it. Bye.