Live The Life You Love, Use The God You Trust, And Don't Take It All Too Seriously


A Blog of His Own...

Well, I think he has the hang of this blog thing so I'm going to shove him out of the nest and hope he flies.

In the mean time. I've gone back to my old blogger address so find he here:

Bohemian Oatmeal

So, please change your links yet again.

I now return you to your regular broadcast schedule...


A Blog of His Own

Since Troy seems to have gotten his "blog legs", I'm going to turn it over to him.

I am at a new site myself, actually an old site that I am re-inhabiting:

So, if you would be so kind, could you please change your links yet again.

And now back to your scheduled program...


More Thoughts On My Job

Why does it seem lately that there is a never ending shit parade headed straight for me? Maybe if I'm lucky they will budget another warehouseman for us next year. Probably not, but I can dream. They sure seem to hire a lot of shitheads where I work also. I've just had a bad few weeks I guess.

Just needed to vent.


Dawn & Keith's Kid is a Zombie!

So we went to Kathrynn's birthday party the other night and were having a pretty good time when, all of a sudden, David tried to eat Henry's brain! Just attacked him in broad daylight. Henry and David tried to pass it off as an "accident", but I know the truth. I should have known this kid for what he is a long time ago. I've seen Night Of The Living Dead enough times to be a damn zombie expert. O well, he still seems like an alright kid, despite his taste for human flesh!


Argh. Fuck. Kill. I Hate.


Weird Juggling Guy Strikes Again!

So we go down to the Tumble weed festival over the weekend and who should we see? Why, Richlands very own weird juggling guy, that's who! This guy is pretty bizarre. I first started seeing him around about a year and a half ago, walking the streets of Richland. Juggling of course! Sometimes he would balance a ball on his head. Other times not. Always with headphones on.

So as I said, we were chillin' at the park, listenin' to the fine music when all of a sudden......there he was! Out of thin air he appeared at the fingernail! Just starts casually juggling. Shirtless, of course. So I decide to go check him out up close, as I usually only see him on the corner by the Uptown when I'm driving by. He is a pretty good juggler, I'll give him that, but he comes off as a real fuckin' weirdo!

He absolutely will not acknowledge the presence of any other living thing in the immediate vicinity. A crowd has come to watch and cheer for him, and nothing! He just keeps a stone face and pretends he is alone in his parents' basement. He obviously wants attention otherwise he wouldn't have come to such an event to "practice" his skills, even though he was off to the side all non chalant like.

Then, without warning, after about 25 minutes or so, he just up and leaves! Walks away from, at this point, a pretty big crowd. No "thank you", or passing a hat (he could make out pretty good), or anything. Just walks away. As I said before, fuckin' weirdo.

I do wonder what is going on in this guys head. What do you think he listens to on the walkman? Chelee suggested that it is a tape going "LEFT HAND, RIGHT HAND, LEFT HAND, RIGHT HAND". Maybe it is something to stop the voices in his head telling him to kill people. Who knows. I was gonna talk to him but I chickened out and decided to let the mystery ride. It seems so much better to keep coming up with wild speculations.

Anyway the music was really good also. I saw a couple that I enjoyed alot. In particular was Electric Bonsai Band. He (yes it's only one guy) was great. You should check him out at Uncle Bonsai.Com or through Yellowtail Records on the web. I would have bought his cd, but I spent all my money on Thai food and elephant ears. O well, I'll get them on the internet I guess. Until next time...........................