Dawn & Keith's Kid is a Zombie!
So we went to Kathrynn's birthday party the other night and were having a pretty good time when, all of a sudden, David tried to eat Henry's brain! Just attacked him in broad daylight. Henry and David tried to pass it off as an "accident", but I know the truth. I should have known this kid for what he is a long time ago. I've seen Night Of The Living Dead enough times to be a damn zombie expert. O well, he still seems like an alright kid, despite his taste for human flesh!
I think he may just have a taste for Henry because in all the years I've known him he's never tried to eat me or any of my family members!
Keith and I were teasing him about being a zombie, and he got pretty angry and insisted that he was NOT a zombie, and was NOT trying to eat Henry's brain. Methinks he doth protest too much! Also, methinks I should say methinks more often, because it's fun.
I've heard, all zombies deny they are zombies.
Maybe he needs a 12 step program...admitting he is a zombie is the first step.
Good Luck, and watch out...
OK, I've been warned. In case you ever need a babysitter for David, I'm busy that evening. Sorry!
I saw David at Fred Meyer today. He was roaming the toy aisles with his eyes all spiraling and his arms straight out in front. It was scary!
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