Live The Life You Love, Use The God You Trust, And Don't Take It All Too Seriously


Netflix Rocks

We started doing Netflix a while ago and I have to say that it is pretty cool. Practically any movie you ever want to see is on it. We get movies and shows like every other day in the mail. That has been part of my non blogging problem. I am hooked on The Sopranos. That is a really good show. Anyway, Netflix is really easy and we enjoy it quite a bit. So far there has only been one movie they did not have. The Incredible Shrinking Woman starring Lily Tomlin. I guess this fine film has never been released on DVD. That is pretty amazing givin all the other massive amounts of crap reality tv shows and super shitty movies that are out on DVD.

Speaking of shitty movies, my grand dad let us borrow one of his favorite movies a while back. We watched it last week. It's called Junior Bonner and stars Steve McQueen. It is a flaming piece. Real suckfest. That's almost 2 hours that I will never get back. I don't quite understand what anyone sees in this movie, my mom also likes it, but to each his own I guess. And yes, this pile of crap is available on DVD. Go figure.


Blogger Katrina Gutleben said...

We get netflix too. We had to divy out the three dvd's between us though so Shawn can get his action kung fu, the kids can get cartoons and anime and I get all the Lesbian Porn I ever needed!! WOOT! No, kidding. Actually I'm hooked on a series called The L word which isn't lesbian porn at all it's more like lesbian romance/drama with a few near porn scenecs in each episode.

Oh well to each their own, as you say. ;)


Blogger Anna said...

I love my netflix! (almost as much as my iPod). I never had a TV until I got married 5 years ago, so there are TONS of TV shows everyone else knows that I don't. I have been working my way through all the Star Treks right now. And like Katie, the L word rocks!


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm finding it hard to share the movie selections with others. LOL


Blogger Dawn said...

I love love LOVE Netflix!! I'm trying to convince Keith that we NEED the eight at a time plan.


Blogger Keith said...

No. We don't need 8 out at a time. Not til I win the lotto, which ain't ever going to happen. =P


Blogger Melonary said...

I want netflix!!!!!!

Just the other day I watched Middler and Tomlin in Big Business. Maybe not the best movie ever, but worth sitting through while watching Baby Blue, anyway.



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